The pickled brain in a jar
I’m a woman “of a certain age” who studied art in her youth, with great enthusiasm and passion, but was often frustrated by the sometimes low expectations that were commonly accepted in art classes and art schools. While I learned a lot, I always yearned for more, but at the time the resources weren’t there. (This was when the Internet wasn’t ubiquitous like it is now.)
Much of my income is earned through my art but many of my skills need to be refined further. There’s much that I still lack, and I’m very grateful that high quality online art training is a thing now.
I’m starting this blog with the desire to document my learning progress in a vaguely anonymous way. (If anyone is able to figure out who I am, meh, it’s not like I’m writing anything scandalous!)
I also want to be a testament to all of us people “of a certain age” that it’s never too late to learn and improve.
The name of this site came about because I am always saying that I like the Internet because we can remain faceless, ageless, completely anonymous. For all anyone knows, we could be pickled brains in jars with wires attached to them, pumping out blog posts.
So, consider me a pickled brain in a jar, sharing my thoughts!